Sunday, 20 July 2014

The Ball is Rolling!

Time to blog then..... and with no previous experience (other than reading many different blogs over recent years!)

So, what should we be? ...... Kind? Controversial? Honest? Exciting? Analytical? Quirky? Interesting?  

Perhaps all of those things and no doubt many more. We can certainly promise beer talk, certainly pub talk, perhaps obvious links to events and of course a slice of food. We may even be able to squeeze in a bit of Rock n Roll! We'll always try to make ourselves worth reading, right down to the last word.... and respond to current events, perhaps even a bit of politics, you never know.

We'll probably mention Beer Central quite a bit, but guarantee not to go on and on and on about our little beer shop. We're proud of it, but won't blog about it ad infinitum....

One thing we will throw out there is travel! We used to work in the tourism industry and love our beer trips, be it a quick few after work in Sheffield, a few days in Scarborough, London, Bruges....and beyond.

.... and to finish our first little blog, here's travel in reverse!! San Diego comes to Sheffield this Friday 25th July. Chuck Silva of the mighty Green Flash Brewery is over here to talk beer and promote his latest brew of West Coast IPA. Come meet him and taste his beer at our shop from 3pm and after in Shakespeare's from 5pm. Gonna be great!!

Now then, You Fancy Another?
